Eileen O’Caffery’s first communion veil was made by a neighbour. Eileen remembers how the lady had painted all the walls in her courtyard in white, to create better light for the lace making.
The day Eileen brought her veil into the museum was special, and the set up was a real ceremony.
- Eileen’s first communion veil
- Studying the detail
- The mannequin
- How does it look?!
- This is better!
- Closing the glass case
Bringing in the “Enlaced” dress installation wasn’t an easy job! The mannequin had no legs, and we had to find a solution to give the lady the vertical position she deserved. While Gabriela was running around the city collecting the last lace contributions, Suzanna attached the already received ones to the sleeves, including the NFC tags underneath each of them. We finally managed to take a photo of the dress, but the electronics embedded in the table still needed attention.
- Where will the dress go?
- Mesmerizing photo!
- The mannequin arrived
- Square NFC tag? Not so nice!
- Where should this go?
- Suzanna attaching the pieces
- Right arm done!
- And the left!
- A photo for the report, quick!
It is the turn of the ecclesiastic lace to come out of storage. This is an important part of the exhibition.
- Admiring the ecclesiastic lace
- Amazing! Amazing lace!
- How will it look?
- And it’s in place!
- Finally the tablet case is here!