The Dress

This dress installation, titled ‘Enlaced’, was designed and created by Suzanna Melinn as part of her master’s work in Interactive Media at UL, supported by her supervisor, Dr.Gabriela Avram and by Dr.Nicholas Ward.


Suzanna designed the front of the dress taking inspiration from Limerick lace patterns. It is made of artificial leather and was laser cut in FabLab Limerick. The sleeves bear original Limerick lace pieces contributed by contemporary lace makers. Each piece was augmented with an NFC tag that links to a web page introducing the creator, tag that can be read with an Android smartphone placed 5-7 cm from the piece. The same information is available on this website.

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The five objects on the table next to it are representations of lace decorated objects. Each has a story, that will be triggered by lifting the object or slightly touching the table. For more details and the story of each object, check the next page.

You are encouraged to try to try them on, and maybe take a selfie and share it on Twitter/Facebook using #limericklace.


Wearing/trying the lace objects


On the other table, we aimed to illustrate lace making. You are welcome to watch the tutorials, pick up the tools and maybe try a few stitches. Don’t worry too much – just try it out!


Lace making

The instructions can be downloaded from here, and the tutorials presented on the tablet are available on the Tutorials page.

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