

Hybrid: the identity of liminal lace

From 24 October to 4 November 2016 in Limerick City

Lace and textile are the product of multiple cultural, social and political influences. Limerick lace is the perfect example of this cross-pollination that with time has become part of the identity of Limerick city. The Hybrid ConferenceExhibition and Workshops will address the role of multiple influences in the creation of contemporary lace inspired work. (Buy tickets)

Hybrid will address the role of lace and its social-economic history and how this once pure entity is continuously transforming and recombining in its use of materials, execution and consumption. The liminal space exists between tradition and new practice; it is an area where different rules apply and the creativity of multiple influences generates a new identity, and this is Hybrid.

The programme of the Hybrid conference can be downloaded from here.

One Response to Hybrid


    I would be very greatful if you could let me know of any further limerick lace events coming up in the near future. Computer work is very new to me so
    I will be a little slower to get used to it.


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